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User Services


Scope of duties

  • With our references in catalogues and portals we support you in your work with learning and working materials, publications and digital copies
  • We provide you with information, support you in finding and dealing with them:
    Searching & Finding




Scope of duties

  • The University Library acquires printed and electronic media (e.g. monographs, journals, university publications) for all the CAU's subjects through purchasing, licensing access rights as well as within the framework of rights pertaining to inspections and deposit copies and makes them accessible to all users across the campus.

Subject Librarians


Scope of duties

Our subject specialists are your contact for any subject-specific questions about the University Library and our various services. The following list of subjects will take you directly to the right person to contact, who will be happy to advise you on your particular subject-based questions.



Scope of duties

  • The IT department operates and maintains IT services for the users and staff of Kiel University Library as well as for other libraries in the state of Schleswig-Holstein. In addition, it develops and operates services in the area of publication infrastructures for and in cooperation with partner institutions, as well as a digitization portal for the preservation of cultural heritage. The IT department is particularly involved in the development and advancement of new and innovative services in the application context of the academic library to support studies, teaching and research as well as digital learning. A particular focus is set on applications, services, and training and consulting offerings for the digital humanities.

Learning and teaching


Scope of duties

  • The Department of Learning and Teaching bundles the areas of teaching assistance, information and construction under one management with focus on teaching the content of the introductory phase of studies, information and data skills in different formats and contexts as well as on the provision of analogue, hybrid and virtual learning classrooms for individual and collaborative learning and research-oriented teaching. The (further) development of innovative room concepts and the establishment of accompanying service offers are carried out with a view to the strategic core goals of the CAU and in close coordination with the users, as well as with internal and affiliated institutions and external social actors.


Research Services

  • Virtual Library of Northern European Studies Dr. Ruth Sindt
  • Indexing, Historical collections, Conservation & restoration Jessica Bruns


Scope of duties

  • As part of the subject information service system for science in Germany funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), we operate the Specialised Information Service Northern Europe. Its service portfolio also includes, in particular, the acquisition of printed and electronic media for peak demand and their supraregional provision as well as a subject-specific portal.
  • Historical holdings are part of our cultural heritage and are valuable sources for historical disciplines in study, teaching and research. We professionally preserve, maintain and restore these holdings.
  • We make our holdings available to you by recording and describing them in a standardized way and making them available for national and international catalogs, databases and portals such as Zentrale Verzeichnis Digitalisierter Drucke (ZVDD), Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB), Europeana. This includes the cataloging and subject indexing of new printed media as well as the indexing of scientific bequests and the cooperation in national bibliographic undertakings.
  • We digitize our historical holdings and make them available to you via the major national and international reference portals, independent of location and time. Through indexing in search engines (e.g. Google, Google Scholar), the content can be researched and used worldwide.