University Fee Rules for the University Library

Rules concerning the fees for the use of special services of the Kiel University Library
from 4 March 2008

Based on Section 41 Sentence 2 No. 4 of the Gesetz über die Hochschulen und das Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein (Hochschulgesetz, HSG - “Schleswig-Holstein Higher Education Act”) in the version published on 28 February 2007 (GVOBl. Schl.-H. - “Law and Ordinance Gazette of Schleswig-Holstein”, page 184), the Senate of Kiel University adopted the following rules on 19 December 2007 with the approval of the University Council on 3 March 2008; last amended by the amendment by the Senate on 29 March 2017

NBL.MWV.SCHL.H. (“Bulletin of the Ministry of Science, Economic Affairs and Transport of the Land Schleswig-Holstein”), 2017 page 51

Published on the Website of Kiel University: 13 July 2017

§ 1
Scope of application
These Fee Rules apply to the central institution “University Library” (Central Library and specialised libraries) of Kiel University.

§ 2
Charging of fees
(1) Kiel University charges fees for the use of special services of the University’s libraries.
(2) Grounds for charge and rates for the fees pursuant to paragraph 1 are specified in Fee Regulations, which form part of these Fee Rules as an Annex.

§ 3
Determination of fees
The rates must be determined in such way that there is proportionality between the fee, considering the administrative costs, on the one side and the importance, economic value or other benefit of the service for the debtor on the other side.

§ 4
Ways to determine fees
(1) The fees must be determined by fixed rates, according to the object’s value, according to the duration of the service or by framework rates.
(2) An overdue fine will be charged if the user fails to return an object borrowed from the University Library in due time despite request to do so.

§ 5
Flat rates
Flat rates may be admitted for compensation of multiple similar services for the same debtor for a period to be determined in advance. This period may not exceed one year. If the flat rate is expected to decrease administrative costs, this must be considered when the fees are determined. Further information can be found in the Fee Regulations.

§ 6
Reduction and exemption
In the Fee Regulations, according to the Annex, there may be reductions of and exemptions from fees for pupils, trainees, students and other members of any institution of higher education in Schleswig-Holstein.

§ 7
Expenses arising for the University Library in particular
a. in the case of interlibrary loans from German or international library systems;
b. due to direct loans to external users;
c. by making photocopies, printouts for local users;
d. by making and mailing of electronic copies;
e. due to charges on the basis of German copyright law;
f. due to charges on the basis of contracts with collecting societies, such as “VG Wort”;
g. by restoration of damaged books or replacement of lost books;
h. due to transfer costs and user fees for external databases for commissioned information research
are to be refunded by the user in the full amount incurred, to the extent not provided for separately in the Fee Regulations. Expenses must be refunded only to the extent they are not included in the fee.

§ 8
Entry into force
These Fee Rules enter into force as of 1 January 2008.
The Rules concerning the fees for the use of special services of the Kiel University Library of 11 August 2004 (NBL. MBWFK Schl.-H. - “Bulletin of Ministry for Education, Science, Research and Cultural Affairs of Land Schleswig-Holstein” 2004, page 307), as last amended by statute of 27 November 2006 (NBl. MBWFK Schl.-H. - “Bulletin of Ministry for Education, Science, Research and Cultural Affairs of Land Schleswig-Holstein” 2006, page 569) shall cease to have effect upon entry into force of these Fee Rules.

Kiel, ...
The Rector
of Kiel University
Prof. Dr Thomas Bauer

to the Rules concerning the fees for the use of special services of the Kiel University Library based on Section 41 Sentence 2 No. 4 of the Schleswig-Holstein Higher Education Act (HSG), in its version of 19 December 2007, as adopted by the Senate of Kiel University

Fee Regulations
I. Fees, refund of expenses, etc. for the local use
Overdue fines for borrowed books
After expiry of the loan period, the overdue fine for borrowed books are determined as follows:
1.1 1st overdue notice EUR 2.50 for each volume reminded to be returned
1.2 2nd overdue notice EUR 8.00 for each volume reminded to be returned
1.3 3rd overdue notice EUR 15.00 for each volume reminded to be returned
2. Overdue fines for borrowed keys
After expiry of the loan period, the overdue fine for borrowed keys (for use of book carts, carrels, etc.) is: EUR 20.00
3. Procurement via interlibrary loan
For interlibrary loans, a procurement fee in the amount of (plus necessary postage for the notification) is charged. EUR 1.50
4. Authorisations
4.1 Annual fee for borrowing authorisation (not for members of Kiel University or other Schleswig-Holstein institutions of higher education) EUR 22.00
4.2 Authorisation card for database access (only for students of Kiel University for the duration of their studies) EUR 10.00
4.3 Use of lockable book carts in the reading room (period of use up to 4 weeks) EUR 4.00
5. Refund of expenses in case of loss
5.1 Books (as handling fee, plus purchase price) EUR 10.00
5.2 User card (for loan booking) EUR 3.00
5.3 Locker keys EUR 20.00
5.4 Emptying of coin-operated lockers that have not been cleared EUR 2.00
5.5 Keys for book cart EUR 20.00
5.6 Keys for carrel EUR 25.00
5.7 Keys for group workrooms EUR 25.00
5.8 Keys for lecturers’ rooms EUR 25.00
6. Copy service (copy office of the University Library), microfilming, etc.
Copies DIN A4
    1 - 20 copies lump sum of EUR 4.00
    from 21st copy: each further copy costs EUR 0.10
Copies DIN A4 for direct order (ordering of volume, filling in of order form,
picking up of the copies and cash payment by user)
    1 - 20 copies lump sum of EUR 2.00
    from 21st copy: each further copy costs EUR 0.10
Copies DIN A3
    1 - 20 copies lump sum of EUR 6.00
    from 21st copy: each further copy costs EUR 0.15
Copies DIN A3 for direct order (ordering of volume, filling in order form,
picking up of the copies and cash payment by user)
    1 - 20 copies lump sum of EUR 3.00
    from 21st copy: each further copy costs EUR 0.15
6.3 Paper printouts of data at computer workstations per printed sheet EUR 0.05
6.4 Production of a secondary format (microfiche, micro-film, scan copy) per 100 recordings EUR 10.00
6.5 Duplication of microfiches (reimbursement of costs) ca. EUR 0.60 - 0.90
6.6 Reader printer printouts DIN A4 (self-service) EUR 0.30
6.7 Reader printer printouts DIN A4 (by order) EUR 0.60
6.8 Colour copy DIN A4 per copy EUR 1.50
6.9 Colour copy DIN A3 per copy EUR 3.00
6.10 Scan copy per copy EUR 0.25
6.11 Transfer of scan copies to a data carrier (in addition to costs for production of a scan copy) EUR 1.50

II. Document delivery services to external customers via subito subject to fee
The currently valid price list of subito e.V. is applicable. It can be found on the website