
Example of an institutional repository:

With Kiel University's multimedia archive and publication server MACAU, Kiel University Library provides a publication platform on which, after signing an author contract, CAU members can place their scientific articles without incurring any further costs.

Examples of specialist repositories:

specialist document servers that enable academics to publish in Open Access already exist in a series of disciplines:

  • Geosciences: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel offers OceanRep as a specialist repository.
  • Life Sciences: in October 2015, the German National Library of Medicine (ZB MED) - Information Centre for Life Sciences launched its Open Access publication portal PUBLISSO, offering information and various services in the field of digital publishing and Open Access, including a specialist repository for life sciences.
  • Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Financial Statistics: for these subjects, there is arXiv., one of the oldest and most comprehensive repositories.

  • Scandinavian Studies: together with two other university libraries, Kiel University Library is responsible for managing the specialist repository of the Virtual Library of Northern European Studies (vifanord).

  • Social Sciences: the GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences operates the platform SSOAR.

  • Economics and Business Studies:in the field of Economics and Business Studies, the German National Library of Economics maintains the repository Econstor.