Terms of Use for the Central Library
The following special Terms of Use for the Central Library of Kiel University are adopted based on § 2 (3) of the Terms of Use for the Kiel University Library dated 24 July 1978 (NBl. KM. Schl.-H. - "Bulletin of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs of the State Schleswig-Holstein", page 271). The new version of the Terms of Use, dated 4 October 1978 (Bekanntmachungen der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel - "Pronouncements of Kiel University", No. 9/78), with amendments approved by the head of the University Library on 14 May 1993 and 19 November 1999, is pronounced as follows:
Library tasks
§ 1
(1) The Central Library is the lending and repository library of the University as well as a public academic library serving as a source of literature for the region and beyond. It serves academic needs, professional matters as well as general and vocational education.
(2) It performs these tasks by
a) making its books available on the premises of the Library or for use outside of the Library by lending;
b) producing reproductions based on originals from its book collection whereby the person placing the order is responsible for compliance with applicable copyright laws;
c) procuring books not located on site from other libraries;
d) to the extent possible, providing oral or written information based on its catalogues and book collection;
e) enabling access to digital collections. For this purpose, it provides the necessary technical systems and catalogue data for data collections for which it acquires licences, if required;
f) executes searches in electronic databases.
(3) Furthermore, it makes its collections available within the German and international interlibrary lending systems as well as via direct delivery services.
Authorised users
§ 2
(1) The following are authorised to use the Central Library:
a) members of the University, the faculties and its institutions;
b) as well as additional persons, authorities, churches, institutions, companies and other legal entities.
(2) Books may be used within the premises of the Central Library without special admission.
(3) Users with special authorisation may access the closed stacks. Authorisations are issued by the Director of the University Library or a person appointed by him.
(4) Access to devices which enable access to data collections subject to restrictions on use may be restricted to members of the University.
Library rules
§ 3
Anyone who uses the Central Library consents to the applicable Terms of Use. The Library may have this consent acknowledged in writing.
§ 4
The Central Library opening hours are published in the course catalogue and are posted on the notice board.
§ 5
(1) In the interests of all users, quiet should be observed in all rooms within the Central Library set aside for use. Smoking, eating and drinking are only permitted in the rooms set aside for such purposes. Mobile telephones must be switched off upon entering the Central Library. Users may only use their own computers at specially-designated workstations and this may be prohibited if noise levels are excessive.
(2) Coats, bags, etc. must be stored in the cloakroom prior to entering the service areas.
(3) With the exception of approved permanent workstations, workstations must be cleared prior to leaving the Central Library.
(4) Upon leaving the service area, all books in a user’s possession must be voluntarily shown to the monitors. Every receptacle suited to holding a book must be opened and shown.
§ 6
Monitors are authorised to request that every user present an official ID.
§ 7
Users who violate these Terms of Use to a significant degree may be prohibited from using the Central Library temporarily or permanently in whole or in part by the Director of the University Library or a representative appointed by him.
Authorised borrowers
§ 8
(1) The following are authorised borrowers:
a) authorised users under § 2 (1a);
b) authorised users under § 2 (1b) to the extent they have their domicile / registered office, as applicable, in Schleswig-Holstein;
c) as well as guest lecturers and guest students of Kiel University as well as attendees at academic events;
d) other persons temporarily residing in Kiel only on an exceptional and temporary basis. A security deposit is generally required of such persons.
(2) In cases of § 8 (1a) – (1d), the Central Library may request documentation of the place of residence or a security deposit. The amount of the security deposit is determined by the Director of the Library or a representative appointed by him.
(3) Minors must submit proof of authorisation by their legal representative.
(4) The Central Library must be informed of any change in address without delay.
§ 8a
Persons who are not members of an institution of higher education in Schleswig-Holstein are required to pay an annual fee for admission to library use based on the University Fee Rules for the University Library.
§ 9
(1) A user card issued in the name of the borrower or the borrowing institution is required to borrow from the Library.
(2) The user card must be applied for in writing signed by the applicant in his/her own hand.
a) in the case of students along with the submission of their student ID and official documentation of their place of residence;
b) in the case of all other persons, along with the submission of their identification card or passport.
In the case of companies and other institutions, a written application from an authorised signatory may be requested.
(3) It is always the person or institution under whose user card the books were borrowed, who is liable within the meaning of § 19. The loss of the user card must be reported immediately. Cards must be returned upon expiration.
§ 10 Ordering
(1) The requested literature must be borrowed in the manner prescribed based on the shelf marks to be determined by the user.
(2) Telephonic orders, especially from University professors, may be accepted in exceptional cases. The user number should be indicated if possible.
(3) The number of books on order or borrowed by a user at one time may be limited if use of Library materials by other users would otherwise be unreasonably impaired.
(4) Literature on order will only be available for pick-up for a limited period of time.
§ 11 Reservations
(1) Books on loan may be reserved. The person making the reservation will be informed when the book is available. The number of reservations may be limited. Postage costs associated with a reservation must be reimbursed.
(2) Information on who has borrowed a book may only be given in cases of borrowing under § 13 (2) and (3).
§ 12 Loan period
(1) To the extent not otherwise provided in § 13 and § 14, the loan period for books is 4 weeks and 2 weeks for journals.
(2) The loan period may be extended eight times using the process established for such purposes as long as another user has not reserved the book on loan. It may then be re-borrowed after having been returned, provided no other user has reserved it.
(3) In exceptional cases, the Central Library may demand the return of any book prior to the expiry of the loan period to the extent required for essential professional or other reasons.
§ 13 Special forms of lending
(1) On application, a loan period of up to 9 regular loan periods within the meaning of § 12 (1) may be granted in special cases. In this case return of the book may be demanded at any time following expiry of the first loan period in the event a book borrowed is required by a third party.
(2) Members of the academia of Kiel University pursuant to the HSG ("Higher Education Act") may borrow books from the Central Library for the duration of a semester course and place them in a specialised library (sub-library under Section 62 Hochschulgesetz - "Higher Education Act") or set them aside in a reserve collection in the Central Library. The placement of books into a reserve collection requires an application to the Central University which may only grant approval taking the needs of other users into account.
(3) Specialised libraries as well as University professors may, especially in the case of research projects, borrow books for a longer period of time, provided they are rarely needed by other users. This requires approval from the Director of the University Library. Once annually, the Central Library enquires whether the books on loan are still needed. An extension of the loan period by one additional year may be granted.
(4) Books borrowed pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 must be made available to University members for academic or professional purposes as needed in accordance with § 10 of the Terms of Use of the Kiel University Library.
§ 14 Restrictions on lending
The Central Library reserves the right
(1) to limit the loan period for materials included in the reference collection to overnight or for a weekend;
(2) to exempt books from lending due to their rarity, difficulty of obtaining a replacement in case of loss or due to their form;
(3) to control the use of books which, due to their contents, are not suitable for general use. They may only be lent or provided for use on the Library’s premises if the user credibly demonstrates that use conforms with the tasks of the Library pursuant to § 1 (1);
(4) to impose the following lending restrictions, separately or concurrently, in the case of especially heavy demand for certain books which cannot be satisfied through the procurement of several copies:
a) reduction of the loan period;
b) suspension of extension options and prohibition of re-borrowing by the same user;
c) restrict borrowing to students of Kiel University;
(5) to limit the number of books borrowed by one user at the same time as long as this does not impair research being conducted at the University.
§ 15 Return
(1) Books must be returned voluntarily at the latest upon expiry of the loan period. Users may have the Central Library issue a receipt for the return.
(2) In order to avoid potential fines, all books on loan should be returned prior to an extended absence. An address should be provided if this is not possible.
(3) Upon application by a student, the Central Library will issue certification for submission to the Student Admission and Registry that all books on loan have been returned and that the Library has no further claims against the student.
§ 16 Reminder and overdue notices
(1) Overdue fines are applicable to books on loan in accordance with the University’s Fee Regulations. Prior to the first overdue notice a reminder will be sent to the user. No such reminder will be sent in the case of specially-labelled books (in particular textbooks and reference works subject to short-term loan) as well as for books for which a reservation has been made upon expiry of the loan period. In such cases, the first overdue notice will be sent immediately upon expiry of the loan period.
(2) The overdue-notice procedure starts one week after the reminder was issued. If a book is reserved after a reminder was issued, the first overdue notice will follow immediately. Additional overdue notices (2nd and 3rd overdue notice) may follow upon expiry of each additional week.
(3) Postage costs for the reminder and overdue notices must be reimbursed.
(4) If a user does not return a book following the 3rd overdue notice, the Central Library shall, without prejudice to the consequences arising under § 7, initiate the steps needed to regain property of the book.
(5) The overdue-notice procedure may be waived in the case of members of the academia of the University pursuant to the HSG ("Higher Education Act"). The claim for return (§ 17) remains unaffected.
§ 17 Enforcement of the claim for return
Following conclusion of the overdue-notice procedure pursuant to § 16 without success, the Central Library will issue a written request to the delinquent user setting a final deadline to return the books on loan. One month following delivery of the letter referred to in the foregoing sentence, the Library will initiate the enforcement process pursuant to Sections 228-249 of the Landesverwaltungsgesetz ("Schleswig-Holstein Administration Act"; Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt für Schleswig-Holstein - "Law and Ordinance Gazette of Schleswig-Holstein" 1992, no. 12, p. 243), as amended.
§ 18 Interlibrary lending
(1) Books which are not located on site may be ordered from other libraries pursuant to the interlibrary loan regulations for German libraries Leihverkehrsordnung (LVO) and corresponding international regulations.
(2) Use is subject to the interlibrary loan regulations referred to in paragraph 1; fees and expenses are governed by the University Fee Rules for the University Library.
(3) To the extent not otherwise provided in paragraphs 1 and 2, the provisions of the Terms of Use for the Central Library apply in all other respects.
§ 18a
(1) An administrative fee based on the University Fee Rules for the University Library will be imposed in addition to costs charged by the providers of the database in the case of database enquiries which the Library conducts on behalf of persons or institutions.
(2) Fees based on the University Fee Rules for the University Library will be charged in the case of direct delivery services.
§ 18b
Notifications and correspondence from the Library may also be served electronically.
§ 19 Loss and damage
(1) Compensation must be paid in the event of loss or damage to books.
(2) Marking or inserting comments in a book is deemed to be damage.
(3) It is in the user’s own interest to immediately review the condition of a book and to provide notice of serious defects.
(4) The Director of the University Library, or a representative appointed by him, decides with regard to the form of compensation and the assertion of claims for compensation.
§ 20 Copying
Copying is permitted to the extent not prohibited in the case of specific books or in cases where the preparation of copies is reserved to the reproduction department of the Central Library. Books must be handled with care when making copies. The person making copies is liable for damage. He or she is responsible for observing applicable copyrights laws. The foregoing also applies to compliance with copyright laws applicable to the reproduction of digital data.
§ 21 Definition of "books"
To the extent a further distinction is not made, the term "books" within the meaning of these Terms of Use refers all information media.
§ 22 Transitional and final provisions
These Terms of Use enter into force on the day after the date they are published.
Signed Dr Günther Wiegand
Director of the University Library
Kiel, 1 December 1999