Electronic Media

Electronic Newspapers

Regional daily newspapers from Schleswig-Holstein
There are about 40 E-paper editions available, each with a delay of 7 days after publication, which can be read exclusively via the in-house computers provided in the University Library and the specialised departmental libraries, after logging in with your user number. Access from other computers within and outside of the campus network, or via CAU Wi-Fi or VPN is not possible for copyright reasons.

The "Gale NewsVault" archive allows you to search through historical english newspapers and periodicals from all over the world (as from 1785 - currently up to 2006). If the DFG has a national license, you can even obtain full texts.

Other electronic newspapers which are accessible via the University Library can be found in the database information system "Datenbank-Infosystem (DBIS)" using the search category "database type newspaper". You can also perform a title search for electronic newspapers using the "Electronic Journals Library (EZB)".


Kiel University Library also provides you with an extensive range of e-books.
The e-books can be used on all computers within the university network. As a member of Kiel University, you can log into the university network from home via the VPN access provided by the Computing Centre, and thereby also gain access to the e-books.
You will find all the electronic books which have been bought and/or licensed by Kiel University Library, and enabled for campus use, under their respective titles in the Union Catalogue.