DEAL contract with Elsevier


The most important things for CAU members in a nutshell:

  • Reading access to about 1,850 subscription journals of the Elsevier publishing house (including Cell Press) in the university network of the CAU
  • Open access publication option in most of Elsevier's journals for all CAU scientists including UKSH Campus Kiel with central funding and thus without additional costs for the authors
  • To do so, simply select the open access option offered in the publication process at a Wiley journal. The request is automatically submitted to the UB for verification of the authorization.


The details:

The DEAL project achieved conclusion of DEAL-contract with the publishing house Elsevier on September 1st 2020. The DEAL license agreement initiates a transformation process away from subscription-based licensing models to a model based on publication fees, the principles of open access and fair pricing.

The CAU has joined the contract.

The content of the contract is a Publish & Read model, in which participating institutions (approximately 700 universities and research institutes in Germany) have permanent access to approximately 1,850 subscriptions-based e-journals of Elsevier back to 1995 (i.e. with direct connection to the older volumes of the long-standing national licenses available).

In addition, all CAU researchers including UKSH Campus Kiel can publish their articles as Submitting Corresponding Authors in most of the aforementioned subscriptions-based Elsevier journals Open Access at no additional cost, so that the articles are freely accessible worldwide from day one.

Added to this is the opportunity for all CAU scientists including UKSH Campus Kiel to publish articles in additional 660 original Gold Open Access journals of the Elsevier publishing house, the costs of which are also borne by the CAU and no longer by the individual authors.

This assumption of costs includes the basic APC, but not fees for additional services such as translations, image editing or overlengths.

During the publication process, Elsevier authors are made aware of the Open Access capability of DEAL and can select the option. The Open Access request is automatically submitted to the University Library (UB) by Elsevier for reviewing the authorization (the authors do not have to do anything themselves) and are usually decided in a few days. Authors will be automatically informed of the decision by Elsevier. Sometimes it may come to questions of the UB to the authors, which are usually for clarification in regards to the authorization.

Information about the DEAL contract with Elsevier: