
You can extend the use of your borrowed media up to 8 times, each by a loan period.

Renewing items yourself:
You can renew items yourself using the catalogue. To do this, you will need your access data for the library: your user number and personal password. Select the menu item data in the catalogue, and follow the instructions on the screen.

A new loan period starts from the date of renewal. The current loan period ends immediately, even if it has not yet expired.

Afterwards, please check your new loan periods in your user account.

Unable to renew your item?

  • The book has already been reserved by someone else. Please return the book by the deadline at the latest.
  • The loan period has been exceeded. Renewal is only possible at the service counter, on presentation of the borrowed media.
  • Fines have been recorded in your account. Renewal is only possible at the service countercounter, after payment of the fines due and on presentation of the borrowed media.
  • The 8th loan period has expired. Renewal is only possible at the service counter, on presentation of the borrowed media.