Specific Offers for Students

You would like to expand your knowledge in literature research or need assistance in writing scientific texts? In order to provide you with the best possible support for your scientific work, we offer you, among other things, personal consultations, workshops, and special offers for the introductory phase of your studies:


Library tours

Scavenger Hunt with Actionbound

Getting lost in the corridors of the University Library has come to an end! In about 60 minutes you will experience an interactive library introduction with the app Actionbound. Explore your future place of learning and working with other participants by means of small tasks and quizzes. Please bring a smartphone with you for the Scavenger Hunt. You can install the Actionbound app here in advance. The Scavenger Hunt is available in English and German.
After the tour, you will receive a certificate of attendance for the library introduction.

11.11.2024: 14:00–15:00
28.11.2024: 17:00–18:00

06.12.2024: 11:00–12:00
18.12.2024: 13:00–14:00

09.01.2025: 18:00–19:00
20.01.2025: 14:00–15:00

04.02.2025: 13:00–14:00
27.02.2025: 18:00–19:00

12.03.2025: 15:00–16:00

Location: Course room 2, Kiel University Library; meeting point: entrance hall



Writing Workshop

Scientific texts are an essential part of the study program. They serve as a means of critically examining various topics and engaging in academic discourse. In addition, writing academic texts is crucial for successful graduation in many courses of study. Each semester, the Writing Workshop offers a series of workshops related to academic writing.

For more information, click here.

Interdisciplinary Research Tutorials

The interdisciplinary research tutorials serve to promote the research skills of students of humanities subjects. In addition to an online library introduction and an introduction to literature research, they also offer students insight into the topics of interlibrary loan, subject databases, and supraregional catalog research. Each tutorial lasts approximately two hours. It is a peer-to-peer format, i.e. the tutorials are conducted by a team of students from the above-mentioned subjects.

Currently the research tutorial is offered for the subjects Literature, German Studies, History and Philosophy. The target group is students who have little or no previous knowledge of scientific research.

The research tutorial takes place online via Zoom and is offered on approx. 6 dates per subject during the semester. However, participation is possible for all students on all dates, as the content differs primarily on the basis of the sample assignments, so that there is a total of approx. 24 dates to choose from. Students register independently for a date via OpenOLAT and participate in the course via Zoom.

Contact person: Dr. Kathrin Ludwig
Registration: Via OLAT

Literature Management with Citavi - collecting, managing and editing literature


Literature management programs are software programs that support you in your studies, research and teaching when collecting, editing and managing literature sources. Students should get to know the possibilities of a literature management program early on so that they can use this tool optimally during their studies and for their theses.

Citavi is a very popular literature management program that offers you a wide range of support in the scientific research, work and writing process.

A campus-wide license for all students and members of the CAU in the Citavi 5 version is available free of charge via the data center. In order to be able to use Citavi, a one-off registration with your university email is required. You can find a guide to the installation in this video tutorial.

Since Citavi unfortunately only runs on a Mac (Apple) with a so-called virtualization solution, the paid EndNote software or the free Zotero software can be an alternative. You can find more information about Citavi on the CAU data center website.

In this workshop you will learn the basics of the software Citavi and the various possibilities to support you in the scientific research, working and writing process.

Recommended for: All students, teachers, scientists and PhD students
Duration: Approx. 90 minutes
Location: Online, via Zoom. You will receive the access data by email after registering the day before the event.
Dates and registration
Contact: Oliver Weiner and Thorsten Wetzenstein

Citavi version 7

Citavi version 7 has recently been made available for download. This version still seems to have some problems. In particular, upgrades from older versions are problematic. As of December 2024, Citavi 7 should not yet be used by the CAU. Citavi 6 is still available at the bottom of the computer centre's download page.

Literature Management with EndNote - collecting and managing literature in natural science subjects


Literature management programs are software programs that support you in your studies, research and teaching when collecting, editing and managing literature sources. Students should get to know the possibilities of a literature management program early on so that they can use this tool optimally during their studies and for their theses.

EndNote is a powerful reference management tool with a focus on natural science subjects in the "life science" disciplines.

In addition to the desktop version, a license also includes access to EndNote Web. EndNote supports you in the creation of scientific texts with its interfaces to the most common online information systems (catalogues, databases), in the collection of literature sources, the management of bibliographic information and the implementation of citation styles.

The Kiel University Library offers regular training courses on EndNote and support with application questions. In this workshop you will learn the basics of the software EndNote and the various possibilities to support you in the scientific research, working and writing process.

Recommended for: Students of natural sciences, teachers, scientists and PhD students
Duration: Approx. 90 minutes
Location: Online, via Zoom. You will receive the access data by email after registering the day before the event.
Dates and registration
Contact: Oliver Weiner

Literature Management with Zotero - collecting, managing and editing literature

Zotero is a free literature management program that can be installed platform-independently under the operating systems Microsoft Windows, macOS or Linux. This makes Zotero an alternative to Citavi or EndNote.

With Zotero, you can collect bibliographic information on scientific literature online via Connector or offline and manage it in literature lists. Zotero offers a folder structure, citation management, cloud storage for teams, and a wide range of citation styles.
The insertion of citations is done with the word processing programs Word or LibreOffice via a plug-in, which is included via the overall installation.

In the UB course "Literature Management with Zotero" you will learn to

  • Download and installation
  • Import literature citations from bibliographic databases
    • Zotero Connector
    • via database search and import of a file
    • Identifiers (ISBN, ISSN, DOI)
  • Manage literature collection and citations
    • Create a folder structure
    • Create citations
    • Features
  • Citation with Zotero (Word)
    • Zotero Plug-In
    • Selection of the citation style
    • Inserting citations

Recommended for: All students, faculty, researchers, and doctoral students.
Duration: approx. 90 minutes
Location: Online, via Zoom. You will receive the access data via e-mail after registration on the day before the event.
Dates and registration
Contact: Oliver Weiner

Introduction to PubMed

In this course you will learn how to research medical literature in the PubMed database. We show you resources and services for literature supply and procurement with a focus on journal articles.

Recommended for: Advanced students, PhD students, scientists, doctors and other employees of the university and the university hospital

Duration: Approx. 60 minutes
Location: Online, via Zoom. You will receive the access data by email after registering the day before the event.
Dates and registration
Speaker: Oliver Weiner

Introduction to Web of Science

The Web of Science is an interdisciplinary scientific literature database that connects the publications it contains through its citation network. In addition to a search function, "citation tracking" can be used to identify frequently cited works and authors and to determine follow-up articles. The course will go into further detail on the hit analysis and statistics function.

Recommended for: All students of natural sciences, PhD students, teachers and scientists

Duration: Approx. 60 minutes
Location: Online, via Zoom. You will receive the access data by email after registering the day before the event.
Dates and registration
Speaker: Oliver Weiner

Subject Specific Offers

Each subject area has its own specifics and thus its own information resources. Therefore, in addition to the general courses and library introductions, we also offer training courses specifically designed for literature research in certain subjects.

Are you missing an offer for your subject area? Then please contact the respective subject librarians.